Loan Request for Residential loan in Los Angeles, CA, 90037

Request #3691983 by Lender

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3/24/2021 12:40:53 PM
Los Angeles, CA, 90037, USA Show Map
58.46 %
$1,000,000 - $4,000,000
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The property was purchased as distressed property and was completely Renovated. Was stripped to framing Skelton and rebuilt. Borrowers are experienced developer they own several other properties in the area. _____________________________The new loan will pay an existing hard money loan that is now due. No cash out. _________________________ The borrower are willing to also pledge an additional property with equity on 4238 Raymond Ave. with estimated market of $700,000 and existing loan of only $320,000. They plan to rent the property and are looking for a long term bridge 2-3 years

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