In 1919 a small group of men gathered together with an ambitious scheme: start a bank in Wyola, Montana that would provide area farmers and ranchers with a reliable bank to support their community and take care of their customers. The bank was named Little Horn State Bank and word quickly spread that not only would these folks listen to their customers’ needs, they would work hard to help them as best they could. Commitment to the community was the principle that Little Horn State Bank was founded on, and it is still the one we stand by today.
To make it in the rough world of commercial banking, the bankers at Little Horn knew they would have to sink their roots deep into the community. This strategy served them well as the Roaring Twenties gave way to the Thirties and the Great Depression. During this decade many banks were unable to hold fast in the tough times and collapsed, while Little Horn State Bank held firm and was able to aid many struggling farmers.
Our strategy remained consistent through the tough economic times that plagued the country during WWII, and through the fifties as the baby boomer generation made its entrance. During these years our clientele expanded to include customers from many Montana counties, as well as from Wyoming.