A R Home Loans Direct, Inc.


39785 Golden Rod Road, Temecula, CA, 92591  

A R Home Loans Direct, Inc. is a Mortgage Broker company servicing customers throughout California. We work with customers of any and all credit histories, and strive to assist our customers in reaching their financial goals With over 20 years experience in the Real Estate lending business.

A R Home Loans Direct, Inc. is a Mortgage Broker company servicing customers throughout California. We work with customers of any and all credit histories, and strive to assist our customers in reaching their financial goals.

With over 20 years experience in the Real Estate lending business, we believe that our knowledge, along with our superior customer service will allow us to become a benchmark in the real estate community.key handoff image

Every person is unique, and so is his or her present and future financial situation. At A R Home Loans Direct, Inc., we look at each application with that understanding. With hundreds of loan programs to choose from, our Loan Consultants research, match and customize your loan with your goals in mind.

Many homeowners think of their mortgage as a liability and a bill that has to be paid each month. We try to teach our customers that their mortgage should be looked at as an asset that can open many doors that might have otherwise been considered closed. Whether it be to start or further your retirement planning, college fund, or that home improvement you’ve always dreamed of, your mortgage can be the key to open those doors.

We greatly appreciate your business, and look forward to serving you, your family, and your friends in the future!


A R Home Loans Direct, Inc. arranges the following loan types:
  • RESIDENTIAL: Hard Money , FHA , VA , Portfolio
  • COMMERCIAL: Hard Money
  • LAND: Hard Money
Lending territories: CA



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