426 Private money Lenders Zeeland, MI

Use Lendersa® hard money mortgage calculator to find private real estate investors in Zeeland, Ottawa, MI. Lendersa® AI technology will quickly match your loan request with hundreds of direct hard money lenders and thousands of private investors' loan programs to fund residential, commercial, and vacant land properties.


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Local private lenders near you in Zeeland, MI

When you locate a private investor through a local hard money broker, your odds of getting a loan increase exponentially; lending hard money loans in Zeeland could depend upon locating investors familiar with the neighborhood. A short distance between the hard money investor and the property enhances the loan approval odds and speeds up the funding process.

The population of Zeeland is 5536, and the average sale price is $176,260

See our list of commercial and residential lenders that arrange loans secured by the equity in real estate and rely very little on (and sometimes not at all) upon credit your score or income verification. The list shows the private lenders' distance from Zipcode(s): 49464

Compare loan offers from 100 lenders

  • Homes and Loans of West MI llc
  • 1354 Baldwin St, Suite 106, Jenison, MI, 49428
  • John H. established Homes & Loans of West Michigan in 2005. As a licensed realtor and lender, I wanted to combine mortgage and realty services to make the home buying process faster, easier and more comfortable for my customers. By combining real estate and mortgage services together, we offer a higher level of service
  • First United Credit Union
  • 3140 Ivanrest Avenue SW, Grandville, MI, 49418
  • First United CU was originally chartered in 1937 to serve the Leonard Refrigerator Plant and was later known as Kelvinator Employees Credit Union. Changes occurred over the years, yet members remained loyal and sustained our vision. We have experienced solid growth and assisted other CUs with merger opportunities.
  • Rivertown Community Credit Union
  • 3121 Macatawa Drive SW, Grandville, MI, 49418
  • Rivertown Community Federal Credit Union proudly serves the financial needs of the local community. We value our relationships with our members and provide unconditional, understanding, local service. We believe that combining both friendly employees and intelligent technology puts us in a position to provide that awesome service.
  • Grand River Bank
  • 4471 Wilson Ave SW, Grandville, MI, 49418
  • Founded by twenty-three West Michigan business and professional leaders and supported by nearly 750 initial investors, Grand River Bank opened for business on April 30, 2009. From the outset, our mission has been to build a bank that provides an exceptional experience to its customers, a rewarding environment for its team members
  • The Mortgage House Inc
  • 305 Hoover, Suite 500, Holland, MI, 49423
  • This company is a mortgage broker offering first mortgages, FHA loans, VA loans, conventional mortgages, reverse mortgages, construction loans and loans for manufactured homes. When you're ready, the next step in getting a low rate mortgage made easy is to contact me so we can review your unique situation.
  • AAC Credit Union
  • 177 Wilson Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49534
  • AAC Credit Union was built in the furniture industry; a heritage of which we are most proud. Over the years we have grown to include other industries and West Michigan at large. We owe much of our success to loyal members and the hardworking passion passed down from our founders.
  • EB Wholesale
  • 2361 Palm Dale Drive, Southwest Wyoming, MI, 49519
  • We offer several different types of commercial loans to cover operational costs or fund major capital expenditures. Contact us today to learn more and gain an edge over your competitors! Local mortgage company who are experts in new home PURCHASE, REFINANCING, AND COMMERCIAL LOANS.
  • Tri-Cities Credit Union
  • 905 Pennoyer Avenue, Grand Haven, MI, 49417
  • Tri-Cities Credit Union is a unique financial institution. We are not-for-profit, member-owned, & democratically operated by those very same members. Unlike profit-driven financial institutions, we return our excess earnings to our members in the form of friendly service, low interest rates on loans, higher yields on savings & investment accounts,
  • West Michigan Credit Union
  • 1319 Front Avenue NW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504
  • Here at West Michigan Credit Union, we thrive on serving and supporting others. WMCU is a place where our team members make a difference, not just for our members, but for each other. Our culture empowers our team members to express individuality, celebrate our differences, and work towards our mission of helping our members.