336 Private money Lenders Batesburg-Leesville, SC

Use Lendersa® hard money mortgage calculator to find private real estate investors in Batesburg-Leesville, Lexington, SC. Lendersa® AI technology will quickly match your loan request with hundreds of direct hard money lenders and thousands of private investors' loan programs to fund residential, commercial, and vacant land properties.


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Local private lenders near you in Batesburg-Leesville, SC

When you locate a private investor through a local hard money broker, your odds of getting a loan increase exponentially; lending hard money loans in Batesburg-Leesville could depend upon locating investors familiar with the neighborhood. A short distance between the hard money investor and the property enhances the loan approval odds and speeds up the funding process.

The population of Batesburg-Leesville is 5415, and the average sale price is $140,080

See our list of commercial and residential lenders that arrange loans secured by the equity in real estate and rely very little on (and sometimes not at all) upon credit your score or income verification. The list shows the private lenders' distance from Zipcode(s): 29070, 29006

Compare loan offers from 100 lenders

  • Sweetgrass Capital
  • 25 Cumberland Street, Suite 120, Charleston, SC, 29401
  • SweetGrass Capital makes homeownership possible for more South Carolinian’s than any other state based lender. Our philosophy is to keep marketing and advertising expenses at a minimum, instead allocating those funds to optimize a streamlined loan process. This allows us to provide our clients with lower rates and a higher level of customer service
  • Coastal Equity Group
  • 15 State Street, Charleston, SC, 29401
  • Coastal Equity Group offers both short and long-term financing for investors striving to build their wealth and generate income for a better future. As a lender, we strive to offer our borrowers smart investment solutions to help generate income and build their portfolio. Our team works quickly and ethically.
  • Ivy Asset Group, LLC
  • 170 Meeting Street, Suite 501, Charleston, SC, 29401
  • Asset Group, LLC is a specialty finance firm with a focus on structured credit solutions across the capital stack. Ivy executives have extensive management experience in leveraged lending, investment banking, operations, financing, and consulting. We employ a pragmatic approach to private lending emphasizing disciplined.
  • Lending HQ
  • PO Box 20785, Charleston, SC, 29413
  • Lending HQ works with borrowers with do not meet the traditional bank loan guidelines in order to secure funds for residential and commercial real estate transactions via private investors. We can use all property types as collateral, residential & commercial, including vacant land and mobile home parks.
  • Keli McClarty Mortgage
  • 159 Civitas Street, Suite 212, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29464
  • We offer the best mortgage tools available on the Internet easy, convenient, online shopping for the best loan programs and most current rates available, together with the assistance of an experienced live loan officer to guide you through the often difficult and confusing process of choosing and getting the exact loan to meet your specific needs.
  • Moultrie Mortgage LLC
  • 1156 Bowman Road, Unit 200, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29464
  • Fred Graham, President at Moultrie Mortgage.After almost two decades on Wall Street, this native North Carolinian was thrilled to return to his Southern roots, close to family & friends,to become an entrepreneur.Fred's experience as a credit analyst,interest rate forecaster & asset manager,covering a wide range of sectors including consumer finance
  • Lowcountry Home Loans LLC
  • 802 Coleman Blvd, Suite 209, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29464
  • Lowcountry Home Loans is an independent mortgage brokerage firm offering custom solutions to meet today's ever-increasing demand for property financing.As a mortgage brokerage firm, we have access to the top banks and lending institutions across the country. We strive to provide a wide variety of loan products.
  • Ascend Financial Group
  • 875 Lowcountry Blvd, Suite 209, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29464
  • Ascend Financial Group is a boutique mortgage company excelling in exceptional customer experience, conservative financial values, innovative mortgage technology and enduring client relationships. Our mission is to serve our customers with honesty, integrity and excellence. Our goal is to provide home loans to our clients