323 Private money Lenders Abilene, KS

Use Lendersa® hard money mortgage calculator to find private real estate investors in Abilene, Dickinson, KS. Lendersa® AI technology will quickly match your loan request with hundreds of direct hard money lenders and thousands of private investors' loan programs to fund residential, commercial, and vacant land properties.


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Local private lenders near you in Abilene, KS

When you locate a private investor through a local hard money broker, your odds of getting a loan increase exponentially; lending hard money loans in Abilene could depend upon locating investors familiar with the neighborhood. A short distance between the hard money investor and the property enhances the loan approval odds and speeds up the funding process.

The population of Abilene is 6390, and the average sale price is $139,150

See our list of commercial and residential lenders that arrange loans secured by the equity in real estate and rely very little on (and sometimes not at all) upon credit your score or income verification. The list shows the private lenders' distance from Zipcode(s): 67410

Compare loan offers from 100 lenders

  • The Gorham State Bank
  • 129 Market Street, Gorham, KS, 67640
  • The Gorham State Bank is a branch office of The Gorham State Bank. They provide the following services: Full Service Office Location and are located at 129 Market Street in Gorham Kansas. Mobile and traditional directions to this location can be found below along with ratings, their phone number, online banking website
  • The University National Bank
  • 1400 Kasold Dr, Lawrence, KS, 66049
  • We are a locally owned community bank in Lawrence, KS committed to giving our customers the best service possible. At UNB, you can feel the difference when you walk in the door or talk to us on the phone. We remain true to our core purpose: to provide value-added banking services to the Lawrence community by sticking to what we know best.
  • Mid America Bank
  • 802 Ames St., Baldwin City, KS, 66006
  • Mid America Bank is a locally-owned community bank committed to providing our customers great banking services, with a particularly heavy emphasis on residential real estate lending. We take pride in offering local underwriting and local servicing. We think this sets us apart and is what makes us the leading real estate lender in our market.
  • The Valley State Bank
  • 502 North Merchant Street, Belle Plaine, KS, 67013
  • The Valley State Bank is a community bank that has operated under the same name since it was founded in 1897. Since establishment, the financial institution has grown and opened branch locations in Derby, KS and Wichita, KS. Valley State Bank has been accorded the special recognition of Blue Ribbon Bank
  • The Union State Bank of Everest
  • 545 Main Street, Everest, KS, 66424
  • Founded in 1901, Union State Bank has a rich tradition of serving local families, businesses and farmers while always looking ahead to new opportunities. You can see this philosophy at each of our eight locations across the region, and many feature original historic details or photographs.
  • Patriots Bank
  • 131 East 4th Ave., Garnett, KS, 66032
  • Patriots Bank is owned and operated by the Cooper family. Our charter has over 120 years of tradition in community banking. As a local community bank, Patriots Bank is a proud part of the communities we serve. Here are some of the benefits of being part of a community bank and why Patriots Bank is the right choice for you
  • The Piqua State Bank
  • 1356 Xylan Road, Piqua, KS, 66761
  • The Piqua State Bank was organized in 1910 by L. C. Neimann. During that same year the Farmers State Bank was opened in Piqua by George Wille. In 1914, the Wille family purchased the Piqua State Bank and merged the two banks under the name of the Piqua State Bank. John Wille, George Wille’s son, owned and managed the bank for the next 50 years.
  • Bank of Commerce and Trust Company
  • 201 West Harvey Avenue, Wellington, KS, 67152
  • The Bank of Commerce and Trust Company, formerly known as the National Bank of Commerce, can trace its roots to the oldest bank in Wellington, the Woods Bank. In October of 1873 Mr. John J. Woods opened the Woods Bank at the southwest corner of Washington and 7th Streets in a frame building. For several years,