Loan Request for Residential loan in Bayamón, ,

Request #3699779 by Lender

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2/3/2024 4:59:11 PM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico Show Map
62.07 %
Property Purchase
Booming Market, Untapped Potential: Puerto Rico's housing market is on the rise, boasting double-digit year-on-year appreciation and increasing demand from mainland buyers. Yet, a significant inventory of undervalued properties awaits revitalization. This our chance to capitalize on this untapped potential and turn hidden gems into shining profits. Strategic Location, Tropical Paradise: Situated in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico offers breathtaking beaches, vibrant culture, and a tax-advantaged environment for investors. This unique selling proposition attracts buyers seeking vacation homes, rental properties, or a permanent move to paradise. Your flipped home becomes more than bricks and mortar, it's a gateway to an idyllic lifestyle. Solid Rehabilitation Plan, Realistic Projections: Present a detailed plan outlining the property's current state, intended renovations, and estimated costs. Include compelling market data supporting your projected post-flip value and conservative profit margins. Transparency and realistic projections build trust and mitigate lending risks.

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